Sundays during the school year, 7:00 PM
High-Life is our weekly youth event for our Sr. High students. Its aim is to minister to both covenant students and their friends. This is the opportunity for us to disciple a flock through the ministry of the Word, music, and fellowship. Through High-Life we encourage our students to further their study of the Word, get engaged in mercy ministries, deepen their fellowship, and be in small groups. We have students from all sorts of backgrounds that attend High-Life, and we would hope that High-Life is a picture of diversity and unity in God's Kingdom.
Sr. High Connect Hour
Sundays, 11AM- 12 PM
Connect Hour is a time that is meant to be complimentary to the corporate worship service at Southwood. It's a time when students, leaders, and visitors of High-Life Ministries gather over breakfast at the Lodge. This normally consists of a time of fellowship, some teaching and discussion amongst the students and leaders. More and more we long to see this time as a continuation of our worship as we create an environment for discipleship and growth as well as an opportunity for visitors to connect with our members. Connect Hour is a servant to the Sunday morning worship services and small groups.
— High School Student Leaders
Wednesday nights during the school year
Crew is the student leadership team of High-Life Ministries made up of juniors and seniors in High School. The Crew has three primary objectives:
Crew members would become servant leaders.
Crew members would fall deeper in love with Christ.
Crew members would grow together in community with one another.
The Crew focuses on serving the other students of High-Life Ministries, loving and encouraging one another, and growing in the Lord. Our desire for Crew is that the students begin to learn to be Christ-like leaders, and lead the other students by constantly loving and serving.
Small Groups
Different times throughout the school year
Small groups are the center of High-Life ministries and every other program seeks to serve or help strengthen our Small group ministry. Our aim is for every student to be involved in a small group. The small group ministry of High-Life is designed to take away all the programmed elements of the ministry and provide a small community for students to grow in Christ and in fellowship with one another. Small groups are led by one or two adult leaders, and they usually only have five to seven students. Each small group spends time studying the Word of God together and fellowshipping with one another on a weekly basis.
The Winter Classic
The Winter Classic is a very important and special event for High-Life Ministries. In our world, students are drowning in busyness. The Winter Classic is a retreat that exists to give High School students a break and a rest. It is not intended to keep our students busy from start to end, but to invite them to slow down and focus their minds and hearts on Christ. The retreat is a time for the Sr. High students, as well as the leaders of High-Life, to get away and worship, fellowship, eat, rest, laugh, play, learn, and pray together. Every year, students and leaders alike look forward to this annual weekend to reconnect with one another and with God. The Winter Classic is a servant to the small group ministries in that it gives the group an opportunity to connect with other small groups in a shared weekend experience.