The Heart of Southwood

We are a community where the grace of King Jesus flows to us and through us. It has always been our heart and continues to be our driving passion. We talk about Jesus so much because we need Jesus so much.


Advance the Kingdom of God


Experience and Express Grace in Relationships that Impact Eternity

The three key relationships that impact eternity

Our relationships with God

Our relationships with one another

Our relationships with our neighbors

We are a church of

A Grace Group is a group of 3–18 people intentionally in relationship with one another for the purpose of investing in their relationships with God and their neighbors.

Learn more about Grace Groups >

Our Core Commitments

Core Commitments are the priorities that shape how we do everything we do — Worship, Community, Discipleship, Missions — and how things should feel uniquely at Southwood. These priorities are intentionally shaped by the Bible — God’s inerrant Word and our only infallible rule of faith and practice.

Southwood is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America. We subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Westminster Catechisms, as they contain a summary of biblical truth.